Hoy toca un DIY fĆ”cil, y muy Ćŗtil para prendas que tengan una mancha o para vestidos sosos que comprarĆ©is en rebajas. Es muy rĆ”pido y sencillo, y se puede hacer en muchos colores, aunque yo me quedo con el contraste infalible blanco-negro. Os gusta?
Today's DIY is easy and very useful for garments with a stain or those boring ones you'll shop during sales. It's simple and fast, and you can also do it in different colors, but I prefer the classic black/white contrast. How do you like it?
Almagro es un pequeƱo pueblo de Ciudad Real famoso por su Corral de Comedias, del siglo s.XVII y el Ćŗnico en el mundo de este tipo que se ha conservado Ćntegramente. Esta situado en la Plaza Mayor, tambiĆ©n muy conocida por el encanto que tiene al ser porticada y con todos los ventanales pintados de verde. El pueblo sigue conservando la artesanĆa, sobre todo los encajes y la cesterĆa, y estĆ” salpicado por casas solariegas y palacios. Por Ćŗltimo, en el convento franciscano del s.XVI se encuentra el Parador, con unos preciosos jardines enclaustrados.
Almagro is a small town in Ciudad Real famous for its Corral de Comedias, the only 17th century theatre of this kind preserved in the world. It's located in the Main Square, also famous for the porch square with stone columns and green windows. Several artisans can be found there, specially for basketmaking and pillow lace. The town has many manor houses and palaces, and the 16th century franciscan convent has been turned into a Parador with beautiful patios and gardens.
Dejamos atrĆ”s Baeza para llegar, entre un mar de olivos, hasta Ćbeda, otra ciudad de Jaen con un rico patrimonio monumental gracias a personajes como Francisco de los Cobos y el arquitecto AndrĆ©s de Vandelvira. Empezamos la visita en la plaza VĆ”zquez de Molina, donde se encuentran la espectacular capilla del Salvador, el palacio del DeĆ”n Ortega que hoy es un Parador, el palacio de las cadenas y la Iglesia mayor.
We leave Baeza behind and reach Ćbeda through an ocean of olives. The city, also in Jaen, has a great monumental heritage thanks mainly to Francisco de los Cobos and his architect AndrĆ©s de Vandelvira. We start the tour at VĆ”zquez de Molina square, surrounded by the Salvador chapel, the palace of DeĆ”n Ortega which is nowadays a Parador, the palace of the chains and the main church.
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Salvador chapel |
Buenas noches! Ya os habrĆ©is dado cuenta que Ćŗltimamente aparezco mucho con gafas, y la verdad es que he perdido bastante vista en los Ćŗltimos meses, pero estoy encantada con todos los modelos nuevos que tengo, asĆ que aprovecho para presentaros los modelos nuevos de Firmoo para este verano, me encantan las retro, y a vosotros???
Good evening! I'm sure you have notice I wear glasses lately, and I have lost sight in the last few months, so this is gonna be a constant on the blog, but it's ok cause I'm quite happy with the latest models I've got, so now let me introduce you the new arrivals by Firmoo, I love the retro style, and you?
The most awaited part of the years- S-U-M-M-E-R has finally come. Aren't you excited to be in the beach, wear shorts, be tanned, be sweaty yet gorgeous and go to music festivals? Well I definitely am! What is summer without a new pair of eyewear? An easy remedy for this is to stop by Firmoo.com and pick up a free pair of glasses so that you won't miss a moment this summer. New arrivals are part of the First-Pair-Free-Program. Now get yours fo FREE!
Did you like yesterday's post about Baeza? Today we continue our tour in this town, but this time we're discovering the different squares and the cathedral, with a huge lamp inside!
Buenos dĆas! Empezamos semana de vuelta en casa. Este mes esta siendo de lo mĆ”s movido, empecĆ© con el lanzamiento de mi colecciĆ³n SUGAR LANE LIMITED EDITION y despuĆ©s no he parado de viajar a lugares maravillosos con personas mĆ”s maravillosas todavĆa, asĆ que estad atentos porque estos dĆas publicarĆ© a diario.
Good morning! I start the week back home. This month is going non stop for me, it started with the launch of my turbans collection SUGAR LANE LIMITED EDITION and I've been traveling since then. I've visited lots of wonderful places with even more wonderful people, so be alert, cause I'm gonna be publishing daily for a while.
Hoy empezamos el recorrido en Baeza, una de esas encantadoras ciudades andaluzas con una arquitectura muy rica gracias a la herencia romana, islĆ”mica y cristiana, sobre todo de estilo renacentista. CĆ³mo va vuestro mes de Junio? Ya estĆ”is de vacaciones?
We start the tour at Baeza, one of those charming andalusian towns with lovely narrow streets to wander. It has Roman, Islamic and Christian roots, so the architecture is a great mix and a well preserved example of Italian Renaissance. How is your summer going? Are you on holidays already?
La transparencia estĆ” mas de moda que nunca, y los clutch transparentes son uno de los accesorios claves de este verano. Ya os enseƱƩ cĆ³mo hacer uno AQUĆ, y hoy os explico una versiĆ³n DIY mucho mĆ”s fĆ”cil, esta vez reciclando una caja de una pelĆcula y un tirador de un cajĆ³n. Os gusta?
Transparency is in vogue more than ever, and translucent clutches are a must this summer. I already showed you how to make yours HERE, and today I'm showing you an easier DIY version, recycling a movie case and a drawer pull this time. Do you like it?