Cuando hace un aƱo Carlos y yo vimos el programa Chef's Table que hicieron sobre Grant Achatz decidimos que tenĆamos que ir a conocer Alinea, asĆ que en cuanto nos mudamos a Estados Unidos empezamos a preparar esta escapada. Chicago nos ha conquistado del todo, y la experiencia en este restaurante fue alucinante. TenĆ©is hambre?
When Carlos and I watched Chef's Table episode about Grant Achatz a year ago we decided we had to go to Alinea. So, the moment we landed in United States we started planning this getaway. We loved Chicago, and the experience at the restaurant was amazing. Are you hungry?
Buenos dĆas! Nuestro segundo dĆa en Chicago lo dedicamos a subir a dos de sus torres y a pasear por el Navy Pier y el Loop. La ciudad desde las alturas es casi mĆ”s impresionante que desde abajo! Os venĆs? Nos espera una larga caminata con paradas para reponer fuerzas a lo grande!
Good morning! We spent our second day in Chicago at two of its towers and walking around Navy Pier and the Loop. The city from its heights is almost more spectacular than from the streets! Are you coming? Get ready for a long walk and some food in between!
Buenos dĆas! La semana pasada estuvimos en Chicago, y no podĆa esperar para enseƱaros esta increĆble ciudad! Hoy comparto nuestro primer dĆa, empapĆ”ndonos de su arquitectura y paseando por sus calles. Una experiencia maravillosa en la que terminĆ© con dolor de cuello de tanto mirar hacia arriba! Mi prima MarĆa tuvo la suerte de vivir aquĆ y me pasĆ³ una lista estupenda de cosas que hacer y comer, asĆ que os dejo mi selecciĆ³n de Recomendaciones RisueƱas para disfrutar de un dĆa por Chicago!
Good morning! Last week we visited Chicago, and I couldn't wait to show you this unbelievable city! Today I'm sharing our first day there, admiring the architecture and wandering the streets. A wonderful experience that ended up in a neck pain from looking up so much! My cousin MarĆa lived here for a while and she gave us a great list to visit and eat, so here is my selection of "RisueƱo Style" tips to enjoy a day in Chicago!
Buenos dĆas! Hoy os traigo otra idea para reciclar cajas de vino y seguir amueblando rincones. Esta vez hacemos una mesita estrecha, con espacio para almacenar en sus patas y un montĆ³n de usos diferentes. A ver quĆ© os parece!
Good morning! Today we are recycling wine crates to furnish another corner. This time I´m making a narrow table with storage space in its legs and several ways of using it. Let me know what you think!
Good morning! Today we are recycling wine crates to furnish another corner. This time I´m making a narrow table with storage space in its legs and several ways of using it. Let me know what you think!
Buenos dĆas! Hoy nos vamos de museos, que aquĆ hay a patadas. El Mall estĆ” dividido en dos partes, del Washington Monument al Lincoln Memorial hay monumentos, y del Washington Monument al Capitolio hay museos, la mayorĆa son parte del Instituto Smithsonian. Hoy paseamos hasta la GalerĆa Sackler para ver la exposiciĆ³n sobre Ikat, que puedes ver aquĆ.
Good morning! It´s museums time! The Mall is divided in 2 by the Washington Monument; towards Lincoln Memorial there are monuments and memorials, and towards the Capitol there are museums. Most of them belong to the Smithsonian Institution, and today we are walking to the Sacker Gallery, where we visited the Ikat exhibition I showed you here.
IKAT, Textile Museum and Sackler Gallery, Washington DC
By Sugar Lane - Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Buenos dĆas! Ahora mismo coinciden dos exposiciones sobre el Ikat en Washington, asĆ que he aprendido mucho sobre esta tĆ©cnica de teƱir, que es fascinante. Empezamos el recorrido en el Museo Textil, donde explican de maravilla todo el proceso de elaboraciĆ³n de estos tejidos. DespuĆ©s nos vamos a la GalerĆa Sackler donde, ademĆ”s de enseƱar algunas piezas de UzbekistĆ”n y el Valle de Fergana, han reunido tĆŗnicas del siglo XIX y diseƱos de Oscar de la Renta realizados en ikat de algodĆ³n, seda y lana.
Good morning! Right now there are two Ikat exhibitions in DC, so I've learn a lot about this dying technique, which is amazing. We are starting at the Textile Museum, where they explain the process to make this fabric. Then we are visiting the Sackler Gallery, where they are showing some Ikat pieces fro Uzbekistan and Fergana Valley and some ikat garments from the 19th Century as well as recent Oscar de la Renta designs made in cotton, silk and wool.
Buenos dĆas! La primavera en DC estĆ” siendo mucho mejor que el invierno. Ya se ha pasado el boom de los cerezos, y ahora tenemos un clima cĆ”lido de lo mas agradable. Hoy os enseƱo las Ćŗltimas fotos de los cerezos en flor, con una de mis batas de seda favoritas, ideal para este tiempo!
Good morning! Spring in DC is way better than Winter. The cherry blossom festival has finished, and now we have the most pleasant warm weather. Today I'm showing you the last cherry flowers pictures, wearing one of my favourite silk robes, perfect for this season!
Good morning! Spring in DC is way better than Winter. The cherry blossom festival has finished, and now we have the most pleasant warm weather. Today I'm showing you the last cherry flowers pictures, wearing one of my favourite silk robes, perfect for this season!