WHERE: Jodhpur, Rajashtan, INDIA
WHEN: January 2017
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Car from Udaipur
WEATHER: Rainy and warm
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Car from Udaipur
WEATHER: Rainy and warm
Siguiente parada: Jodhpur. Bienvenidos a la ciudad azul, tambiĆ©n famosa por sus especias... Si tenĆ©is tiempo y os interesa la gastronomĆa os recomiendo empezar con una maravillosa y autĆ©ntica clase de cocina india tradicional. PodĆ©is reservar en Incredible Krishna Cooking Workshop.
Next stop: Jodhpur. Welcome to the blue city, also famous for the spices... If you have the time and are into Indian food I suggest you start your day with an authentic traditional cooking class. Book in advance at Incredible Krishna Cooking Workshop.
WHERE: Udaipur, Rajashtan, INDIA
WHEN: January 2017
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Flight
WEATHER: Sunny and warm
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Flight
WEATHER: Sunny and warm
Buenos dĆas! En mis Ćŗltimas vacaciones he vuelto a la India, un paĆs del que me enamorĆ© hace muchos aƱos y que tenĆa muchas ganas de compartir con mi chef. Recorrimos algunas ciudades de Rajashtan, Agra y terminamos en Pune. Disfrutamos muchĆsimo de todo, el clima, la cultura, la arquitectura, la artesanĆa, la gastronomĆa y los amigos, y hemos vuelto cargados de sedas y especias. Ya lo estamos echando de menos, asĆ que para alargar un poco este viaje os lo cuento por aquĆ con mis consejos para cada ciudad. Empezamos por la ciudad de los lagos, bienvenidos a Udaipur!
Good morning! I visited India a few days ago, a country I fell in love with some years back, and I was happy to take my chef there. We visited some cities in Rajasthan, Agra and ended up in Pune. We enjoyed a lot, climate, culture, architecture, handicrafts, gastronomy and friends. And came back with kilos of silks and spices. We are already missing it, so I'm keeping the memories alive telling you about it with my tips to enjoy each city. Let's start with the city of lakes, welcome to Udaipur!
La semana pasada se entregaron los premios Goya, y tuve el honor de diseƱar esta falda tan especial para una de las invitadas a la gala. Siempre me hace ilusiĆ³n ver a alguien con uno de mis diseƱos, pero si ademĆ”s es para una ocasiĆ³n tan especial no os lo podĆ©is imaginar! La alegrĆa ademĆ”s fue doble, pues su hermano gano el Goya al mejor guiĆ³n. Aprovecho para felicitar a David Pulido y RaĆŗl ArĆ©valo por una gran historia y os recomiendo que no os perdĆ”is "Tarde para la ira". Ya la habĆ©is visto?
Goya awards ceremony took place in Spain last week, recognizing the best of our movies. I had the chance to design this skirt for one of the guests, which made it more special. Seeing someone wearing one of my designs is always amazing, but this time you can't even imagine! I was double happy as her brother won the Goya for best script, congratulations to David Pulido and RaĆŗl ArĆ©valo for this great story. And don't miss "The fury of a patient man" if you haven't watch it yet!
Buenos dĆas! Os gusta el queso? Y el queso italiano? Pues bienvenidos al maravilloso mundo de los hermanos Viscanti, maestros queseros al frente de una latteria en plena Puglia. Ya os hablĆ© ligeramente de ellos y la "burgonza" en mi visita a Altamura, pero hoy les dedico un post rememorando la maƱana que nos dedicaron para enseƱarnos todo el proceso de transformaciĆ³n de la leche en diferentes quesos. A ver si soy capaz de explicĆ”roslo bien!
Good morning! Do you like cheese? And Italian Cheese? Welcome to the wonderful world of the Viscanti brothers, cheesemakers behind this latteria in Puglia. I already told you about them on my trip to Altamura, but today I want to dedicate them this post and show you the morning we spent with them learning how milk is transformed into different kinds of cheese. Let's see if I can explain it properly!
Buenos dĆas! Seguimos con mucho frĆo asĆ que, despuĆ©s de la Bufanda de Lana Gigante que hicimos hace unas semanas, hoy vamos a hacer una manta de lana gigante para estar bien calentitos en casa. Yo la uso para taparme en el sofĆ” o la pongo a modo de alfombra para tirarme al suelo a leer. QuĆ© os parece? CĆ³mo sobrevivĆs al frĆo?
Good morning! It's pretty cold outside so, after the Chunky Merino Scarf we made some weeks back, today we are making a chunky merino blanket to stay warm at home. I'm using it as a blanket on the coach or as a carpet to read on the floor? How do you like it? How are you dealing with cold weather?
WHEN: November 2016, 1 day
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Flight from Madrid (1hr)
WEATHER: Sunny and cold
WITH: Boyfriend
HOW: Flight from Madrid (1hr)
WEATHER: Sunny and cold
Nunca habĆa estado en Portugal, a pesar de ser el vecino de al lado de EspaƱa, y para la primera toma de contacto visitĆ© Oporto o, como dicen allĆ, Porto. Esta encantadora ciudad se puede recorrer en 24 horas y es estupenda para un fin de semana o un puente. PrepĆ”rate para comer mucho bacalao, beber buenos vinos y pasear entre azulejos de colores. Os dejo mis consejos para disfrutar de la ciudad, en el orden perfecto para evitar subir cuestas!
I had never been to Portugal, even when it is Spain's neighbor, so it was time to visit. And for this first visit I chose Porto. You can walk the charming city in 24 hours, or spend a long weekend if you have the time. Get ready to eat a lot of cod, drink good wines and walk among colorful tiles. Here are my tips to enjoy the city, in the perfect order to avoid walking uphill!
Hace mucho que no visitamos un mercado por aquĆ, asĆ que hoy quiero compartir con vosotros un mercado espectacular; el Mercat Central de Valencia. Me encanta porque tienen un monton de productos que me encantan desde que era pequeƱa, entramos?
It's been a while since we visited a market here, so today I want to show you the amazing Mercat Central in Valencia. It's so nice seeing so many products I love since I was a little girl! Let's go!