Buenos dĆas! Hace mucho que no comparto un DIY con vosotros, y ahora que me he mudado la verdad es que hago mĆ”s cosas de decoraciĆ³n que de moda, asĆ que aquĆ tenĆ©is una idea para darle un toque personal a un mueble de Ikea. Os vale cualquier mueble con cajones y cualquier retal que tengĆ”is por casa, y si ademĆ”s sustituis los tiradores por otros diferentes quedarĆ” mucho mejor! Os atrevĆ©is?
Good morning! It's been a a while since I posted a DIY. I moved to a new place this year, so I've been doing more decoration than fashion lately, and I feel like sharing this one with you. It's a simple idea to give a personal touch to any Ikea piece of furniture. You can use any chest of drawers and any fabric leftovers you find around, and if you get different knobs it'll look much better! Ready?