WHERE: Roma, Lazio, ITALY
WHEN: August 2014, 1 day
WITH: Myself
HOW: Plane from Madrid (2hrs)
WEATHER: Hot, with some clouds
WEARING: Mediterranean Summer
Estuve en Roma por primera vez hace 10 aƱos, de viaje de fin de curso. Creo que vi la ciudad con resaca, o igual es que ha pasado mucho tiempo, porque mi memoria tiene lagunas. En cualquier caso espero que, si veo estas fotos dentro de 10 aƱos, el modelito que llevo no me horrorice tanto como mi vestuario de 2004 (menudas risas os ibais a echar como subiese esas fotos!) Las sandalias que llevo son de hace algĆŗn aƱo mĆ”s, con ellas me graduĆ© de la ESO, me dieron mi primer beso y pasĆ© noches enteras bailando sobre ellas... Aunque puede que recorrer Roma con unos tacones de 10cm no haya sido mi decisiĆ³n mĆ”s acertada del verano (nota mental: la prĆ³xima vez haz caso a tus sabios consejos sobre cĆ³mo hacer el Equipaje Perfecto)
I visited Rome for the first time 10 years ago, on a graduation trip. I think I had a hangover all over the city, or maybe it's been a long time and my memory is failing. Anyways, I hope when I look back at these pics 10 years from now I don't regret my outfit as much as I regret what I was wearing in 2004 (You'd ROTFL with those images!) The sandals are even older, I wore them to my school graduation, during my first kiss and I danced on them endless nights... but maybe roaming all over Rome on 10cm heels wasn't my wisest summer choice (mental note: next time follow your awesome advice on how to pack the Perfect Luggage)