La semana pasada se celebrĆ³ la Semana Cultural Japonesa en el Real JardĆn BotĆ”nico, conmemorando 400 aƱos de relaciones entre EspaƱa y JapĆ³n. AdemĆ”s de una exposiciĆ³n de Ikebana, hubieron muchas actividades y demostraciones, perfectas como acercamiento a una cultura tan diferente. No me quedĆ© con los nombres de todo, pero os quiero contar un poquito de todo lo que experimentĆ© allĆ. Si alguien con mejor conocimiento puede corregir o aƱadir algo, serĆ” muy de agradecer!
Japanese Cultural Week took place last week at the Royal Botanical Garden, in Madrid, celebrating 400 years of relations between Japan and Spain. Apart from the Ikebana exhibition there were several activities, perfect to get to know a little bit of such different culture. I can't remember the names of everything, but I want to tell you about the experience. If someone with better knowledge on the subject can correct or add anything, it'll make me very happy!
Japanese Cultural Week took place last week at the Royal Botanical Garden, in Madrid, celebrating 400 years of relations between Japan and Spain. Apart from the Ikebana exhibition there were several activities, perfect to get to know a little bit of such different culture. I can't remember the names of everything, but I want to tell you about the experience. If someone with better knowledge on the subject can correct or add anything, it'll make me very happy!