Empiezo semana de mucho frĆo con este gran abrigo envolvente. Me encanta porque es super cĆ³modo y calentito, se pone como un albornoz y caben jerseys gordos y chaquetas debajo. Lo he combinado con toques granates, que ya sabĆ©is que es mi color favovito casi todos los inviernos, y estreno el short origami negro, la skort blanca no me la quitĆ© en todo el verano, asĆ que espero darle el mismo uso a la versiĆ³n invernal... Feliz semana!
I'm starting a very cold week with this great wrap coat. I really like it, is comfy, warm, as easy to wear as a shower robe and it's wide enough to wear thick sweaters and jackets underneath. I've combined it with burgundy items, my favorite color almost every winter, and my brand new origami short, I wore the white skort throughout last summer, so hopefully I'll use her winter avatar as much... Have a happy week!