Una de las cosas que mĆ”s me gustan de la India son las flores. EstĆ”n por todas partes, tienen precios razonables y no faltan en ninguna ocasiĆ³n especial. Y si hay una flor tĆpica aquĆ es el tagete, en naranja y amarillo, las usan para hacer ofrendas, decorar coches, motos, puertas, guirnaldas... Os dejo con algunas imĆ”genes de los tagetes durante el festival de Navratri, feliz finde!
One of my favorite things in India are flowers. They're everywhere, affordable and present on every special occasion. The most typical one are marigolds, in orange and yellow, and they use them in pujas, cars, bikes, door decorations, garlands... Here are some photos I took during Navratri festival, enjoy your weekend!