Si aun no habĆ©is puesto el Ć”rbol de navidad no sĆ© a quĆ© estĆ”is esperando! Yo este aƱo decoro un Ć”rbol artificial con ojas naturales, asĆ de irĆ³nica estoy ultimamente... TambiĆ©n le he puesto luces y una guirnalda de plumas blancas, que remata el toque delicado, quĆ© os parece? La semana que viene envolveremos los regalos ;) Felices fiestas!!!
You should have decorated your Christmas tree already, but if you haven't, here's an easy and cheap DIY to get a different style this holidays. I've opted for leaves and added lights and a white feathers garland to create the delicate effect, how do you like it? We're wrapping gifts next week ;) Merry Christmas!!!