El amarillo yema es ese gran color que todos los diseƱadores han querido poner de moda alguna vez, sin Ć©xito. Y es que, a quiĆ©n le queda bien ademĆ”s de a Lupita Nyong'o??? O lo que es lo mismo, cuĆ”ndo me pongo yo un jersey color yema? Pues hoy, porque para lucirlo hay que estar morena, y el Ćŗnico momento en que te puedes poner un jersey sin estar pĆ”lida como la pared es a finales de septiembre, por lo menos en Madrid! QuĆ© os parece este color?
Egg yolk is that great color-of-the-season wannabe. Some seasons it's canary yellow and some others is a mustard hue, but you know what I mean. Who can look good in such color, apart from Lupita Nyong'o??? And what I'm really asking is, when am I gonna wear an egg yolk sweater? Well, I guess today is the day! Cause you need to be tanned, and the only time of the year when you can wear a sweater and a darker skin tone at the same time is by the end of september, at least in Madrid! How do you like this color?