Postcards from Providence

By Sugar Lane - Monday, May 15, 2023

Buenos días! Hoy os dejo por aquí una selección de fotos de mi visita a Providence, en Rhode Island. Una ciudad llena de creatividad y perfecta para una escapada.

Good morning! Today I'm sharing some photos from my visit to Providence, in Rhode Island. A city full of creativity and perfect for a getaway.

Encontrarás edificios Art Decó salpicados por las calles y un montón de murales y grafitis muy vistosos.
You'll find Art Deco buildings all over the sreets and lots of eye-catching murals and graffiti.

El rio rodea el centro de la ciudad y tiene muchas zonas verdes para pasear. 

The city center is surrounded by the river, and there are many green areas to walk by.

Presumen de tener el primer centro comercial de Estados Unidos, y también tienen un capitolio similar al de Washington.

The Wesminster Arcade was the first shopping mall in the States, and there's also a capitol building similar to the one in DC.

Consigue el look: / Get the look:
Vesido / Dress: 
Sandalias / Shoes:
Bolso / Bag:
Pañuelo / Scarf:
Gafas / Glasses:

 Conocíais Providence? Os gustaría visitarla? Contadme en comentarios!

Have you been to Providence? Would you like to visit? Tell me in the comments!

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18 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Such lovely photos! that striped dress looks really cute on you and I am loving those accessories with it - the bag, scarf and shoes coordinate so well :)

  2. Oh my goodness. What a gorgeous place! These pictures are incredible. I love love love those shoes.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. Un lugar super bonito y pintoresco, me han gustado mucho las fotografías, ¡feliz semana!

  4. Me encanta Sara, mcuhas gracias por compartir.
    Besos rojos por doquier

  5. Oh very cute photos great style
    Lovely dress

  6. Great place! I love your dress. Have a nice day :)!

  7. Providence looks so charming! Thanks for sharing!

    New post is up here, hope you'll come by!


  8. wow. the place is so gorgeous and instagramable. i love your dress also.


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