
Postcards from Santa Monica and Venice

By Sugar Lane - Monday, August 01, 2022

Buenos días! Hoy os traigo algunas imágenes de mi visita a Santa Mónica y Venice, dos zonas en la costa de Los Ángeles de lo más agradables para pasar el día y disfrutar del sol.

Good morning!  Today I am sharing some pictures from my visit to Santa Monica and Venice, two areas in Los Angeles coast that are really nice to spend the day and enjoy the sun.

Santa Mónica tiene el icónico muelle sobre el que hay una noria y otras actividades de ocio, me recuerda bastante a otros similares como el de Ocean City, Conney Island o San Francisco. Tiene la noria, un  carrusel, camas elásticas, restaurantes y puestos con souvenirs para turistas. Es un sitio super animado.

Santa Monica has the iconic wheel on the pier and other leissure activities, it reminds me of similar ones like Ocean City, Conney Island or San Francisco. It  has a wheel, a merry go round, trampolines, restaurants  and  souvenir stalls for tourists. The place has a great ambiance.
La playa es amplia, hay un montón de bicis y patinadores, y la puedes recorrer hasta llegar a la zona de Venice.

The beach is large, there are plenty of bikers and skaters, and  you can walk all the way to Venice.
El paseo marítimo de Venice está lleno de restaurantes y tiendas de ropa playera, estudios de tatuajes y piercings, patinadores...  Me lo esperaba bohemio con encanto pero, salvo algún restaurante, es un poco cutre y el ambiente un poco agobiante. 
Venice boardwalk is full of restaurants and beach wear shops, tatoo and piercing studios, skaters... I expected it to be bohemian in a charming way but, aside from a few restaurants, it is kind of seedy and overcrowded.


Sin embargo, la zona de los canales tiene mucho encanto y es bastante tranquila, ideal para pasear e ir  viendo las diferentes casitas de distintos estilos, cada una con su barca y su patio como sacado de Pinterest! 
On the other  hand, the channel area is  really  charming and quiet, perfect for a stroll, enjoying the view of different style houses, with  their boats outside, and their patios that look taken out of a Pinterest board!


 Qué os ha parecido? Conocéis Santa Mónica? Y Venice? Os gustaría visitarlo? 

How did you like it? Have you ever been to Santa Monica or/and Venice? Would you like to visit?

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6 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. SO beautiful! The photos definitely look a lot like postcards. Santa Monica is magical, matches good with Venice actually.

  2. I'm with you- the channel area is just gorgeous and I love that it's more quiet!

    Hope you'll swing by my new post where I'm sharing what MOXI laser is like!


  3. Hello,
    I have never visited these places, thank you for sharing your tours with us!


  4. It looks like such a nice place to visit! I really like the dress and Converse too, and the cute Balenciaga city bag! :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue


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