Biggest Libraries in the USA

By Sugar Lane - Monday, April 18, 2022

Buenos días! Esta semana se celebra el día del libro, que en España se celebra con muchísimas actividades. Pero no vengo a recomendaros ningún libro, el post de hoy se lo dedico a dos de las bibliotecas más espectaculares que he visitado en Estados Unidos. Os venís?

Good morning! World Book Day is celebrated this week, but I am not going to share any book recommendations today, instead I am dedicating this post to the two most spectacular libraries I have visited in the United States. Are you ready?

Library of Congress:

Si hay una biblioteca imprescindible en Washington es la del Congreso, con su famosa sala de lectura redonda bajo una impresionante cúpula. Es la biblioteca más grande del mundo, y la institución federal cultural más antigua de Estados Unidos, fundada en 1800. La colección original se perdió en un fuego, pero la biblioteca compró la enorme colección de Thomas Jefferson para empezar a reconstruir la colección.

If there is one must visit library in DC, it is the Library of Congress, with its well known round reading room under a magnificent dome. It is the biggest library in the World, and the oldest federal institution in the country, founded in 1800. The original collection was burnt in a fire, but the library purchased Thomas Jefferson huge collection to start rebuilding it.







El edificio principal está conectado al Capitolio por un pasillo subterráneo y su hall y escalinatas parecen las de un palacio Europeo.

The main building is conected to the Capitol by an underground tunnel, and its hall and stairs remind of a European palace.

New York Public Library:

La segunda biblioteca más grande de Estados Unidos es la biblioteca pública de New York, guardada por dos leones de piedra a la entrada. Su sala de lectura fue la más grande del mundo cuando se construyó, y tiene una enorme zona de almacenamiento bajo Bryan Park. 

The second biggest library in USA is New York Public Library, guarded by two stone lions at thee entrance. Its reading room was the largest ever at the time it was built, and it has a big underground storage space under Bryan Park.

Como curiosidad, en ella se encuentran la colección de antiguos peluches que pertenecieeron a Christopher Robin y que inspiraron los personajes de Winnie The Pooh! La biblioteca también ha aparecido en numerosas películas, como en una dramática escena de la primera película de Sex & The City.

Did you know you can find the original old toys that belonged to Christopher Robin and inspired Winnie the Pooh stories? They live at the kids section! The library has also appeared in several movies, like that dramatic scene on the first Sex & The City movie.

Estados Unidos tiene otras maravillosas bibliotecas, como la de Boston o la de Baltimore, y también las de algunas de las universidades más prestigiosas del país, que espero enseñaros pronto!

United States has some other amazing libraries, like the ones in Boston and Baltimore, and also the ones at some important universities in the country, that I will try to show you soon!

Soléis visitar las bibliotecas? Cuál es vuestra favorita? Contadme en comentarios y tened un feliz día del libro!

Do you usually visit libraries? Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments and have a wonderful Book Day!

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13 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Oh wow, these are such beautiful libraries! We don't have anything like this in Brisbane! Our local library is really small, but the staff are lovely and can get books in from the bigger libraries any time :)

    Hope you had a nice weekend and a good Easter :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Well, as long as they have the books you like, I guess it is ok!

  2. I have walked past the NY public library so many times but I have never been inside. I so need to do this!! Thanks for sharing.

    Allie of

    1. Steo in next time you are around, you will love it!

  3. Wow thanks for sharing this nice places with us, stunning libraries!

  4. Wonderful places! I love books and I could stay in such beautiful libraries all the time!

  5. Libraries are my third home - I love books - the two one in Washington and second one in NY are absolutely stunning inside <3 Thank you for sharing


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