Buenos dĆas! Hoy os llevo de excursiĆ³n a Newport, considerada la capital naĆŗtica del mundo. Si habĆ©is oĆdo hablar de este lugar seguramente os imaginĆ©is un pueblo pesquero, con un buen puerto, casitas de madera pintada de blanco y mucha decoraciĆ³n en azul... no vais desencaminadas, pues Newport tiene una gran tradiciĆ³n como ciudad de vacaciones para amantes del mar y la navegaciĆ³n. De hecho aquĆ se celebrĆ³ la Copa AmĆ©rica durante mĆ”s de 50 aƱos.
Good morning! Today I am taking you to Newport, aka the nautical capital of the World. If you have heard about this place, you might be picturing a seaside town, with a nice port, houses covered in white-painted wood, and lots of blue decoration... You are not mistaken, since Newport has been a Summer resort for sea lovers for the longest time. In fact, the America's Cup was held heree for over 50 years.
TambiĆ©n aquĆ nacieron los U.S. Open de tenis y de golf, pero lo que yo no me imaginaba encontrar es una avenida inmensa plagada de mansiones de todos los estilos, a cuĆ”l mĆ”s espectacular! Esta localidad tiene la mayor concentraciĆ³n de casas coloniales de Estados Unidos y muchas de ellas se pueden visitar como museo.
It was also here where the U.S. Open for tennis and golf were created. But what I did not imagine was a hugee avenue filled with mansions in every style, all equally amazing! This town has the biggest concentration of colonial houses in the US, and some are open to the public like museums.
El tiempo que nos hizo fue muy desapacible, de esos dĆas de viento hĆŗmedo y una niebla que lo volvĆa todo gris, pero a la vez la bruma tan brillante no te dejaba abrir los ojos del todo. Me hubiese encantado conocer este lugar con sol, pero esa niebla lo envolviĆ³ todo de un cierto misterio y algo de magia, asĆ que al final disfrutamos mucho descubriendo los rincones tan sorprendentes y las playas tan originales.
The weather was very unpleasant, you know that kind of windy humid days with fog that turns everything grey, but also makes the sky so bright you can't barely open your eyes. I would have loved visiting this place on a sunny week, but the fog actually wrapped everything in a magic misterious vibe, so we actually loved exploring the unexpected corners and the unique beaches in this weather.
HabĆ©is estado en Newport? Os gustarĆa visitarlo? Contadme en comentarios!
Have you ever been to Newport? Would you like to visit? Tell me in the comments!