
The classic trench, navy stripes and jeans outfit

By Sugar Lane - Friday, March 26, 2021

Buenos días! Seguimos con esta serie de looks para celebrar 10 años de Sugar Lane Blog! Hoy retrocedemos hasta el 2013 para ver qué tendencias pasaron sin más por mi armario, y qué se quedó hasta el día de hoy. 

Good morning! We continue with this series of looks to celebrate 10 years of Sugar Lane Blog! And today we are going back to 2013 to explore the trends that ended there and the ones that stayed in my closet until now.

De ese año, he encontrado algunos looks casual que me puse para un viaje a Teruel y Albarracín y para otro a Úbeda (mi peor modelito de ese año, sin duda) y Baeza, y otros mucho más exóticos que llevé durante unas vacaciones en Egipto o durante los meses que viví en la India.

I found some casual outfits I wore on trips to  Teruel and Albarracín as well as to Úbeda (my worst outfit of the year) and Baeza. I also wore more exotic looks to a vacation in Egypt and during the months I lived in India.

El color siempre ha estado muy presente en mi armario, y veo que ese año el burdeos, naranja y verde seguían protagonizando algunos outfits. Podéis ver un par de ellos con un toque verde Kelly, que vuelve a ser tendencia en 2021, aquí, aquí y aquí! Otro de los looks que incorpora toques cítricos y que curiosamente es uno de los más vistos de estos 10 años, es este otro

Color has always been really present in my clothes and accessories, and that year I see a lot of burgundy, orange and green. You can see a couple of Kelly green outfits, which happens to be a trend in 2021, here, here and here! Anothe outfit with citrus touches, which randomly is one of my most viewed posts in the last 10 years, is this one

Durante ese año también lancé mis primeras colecciones Sugar Lane Design,  protagonizadas por turbantes, alpargatas, batas de seda y chaquetas. A día de hoy la tienda sigue funcionando con colecciones temporales de accesorios, que mantienen la idea original de realizar piezas únicas reciclando sedas Indias que en su sida anterior fueron saris.

During 2013 I also launched my firsts Sugar Lane Design collections, consisting of turbans, espadrilles, silk robes y jackets. Nowadays I continue selling my accessories every season, keeping alive the original idea of recycling Indian silks that were saris in their past.

Un accesorio que también me puse mucho fue el sombrero, algunos de ellos los sigo utilizando, como este burdeos o esta pamela. Y hubo uno negro que me puse muchísimo, pero que ahora lo veo y no me gusta tanto... podéis verlo aquí y aquí. Qué os parece?

Another accessory that I wore a lot was the hat. I keep wearing some of them, like this burgundy one or  this pamela. And I also wore a black one that I don't like anymore, but I wore it here and here. What do you think?

De las prendas más utilizadas me quedo con 4 favoritos: un abrigo de fieltro y lentejuelas que lo utilizo tanto del derecho como del revés según la ocasión... lo tenéis aquí, aquí y en uno de mis looks favoritos aquí! Y 3 de los componentes de el look recreado hoy, que es una combinación de básicos perfectos y de lo más acertada para la primavera; las camisetas de rayas marineras, que cada año me acompañan, y ese año me puse aquí, aquí y aquí. Las gabardinas, que podéis ver aquí y aquí. Y por último los zapatos de estampado de leopardo, que dan un toque diferente a cualquier look.

Regarding my most worn items, I have 4 favorites: a felt coat covered in sequins that I sometimes wear inside out... you can see it here, here and in one of my favorite looks here! And 3 items present on my recreated look today, which is a mix of perfect basics, wonderful for Spring time: the navy stripes tee, which I also wore that year here, here and here. The trench coat, that you can see here and here. And finally, the leopard print shoes, that give any outfit a different twist!

Jeans: Levi's

Gabardina / Trench: Ralph Lauren

Sweater: Zara

Bolso / Bag: Louis Vuitton

Bailarinas / Flats: Zara

Collar / Necklace: Mejuri

Qué os ha parecido? Tenéis todas estas prendas en vuestro vestuario? Os falta alguna?How did you like it? Do you own these basics? Are you missing any?

Consigue el look / Shop the look:









*Este post contiene algunos links afiliados. Si haces alguna compra pinchando en alguno de mis enlaces, puede que yo me lleve una pequeña comisión. Esto no supondr
ningún coste extra para ti y a mí me permite seguir dedicando mi tiempo a compartir a través de este blog :)
This post contains some affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase after clicking on a link, I might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps me to continue with this blog so I can dedicate more time to it and I can keep sharing with you :)

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42 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Such a classic outfit! Even if you didn't have the same pieces to recreate it you did a wonderful job making it work with the pieces you have now - it really shows how denim, stripes and a trench will always be staples Happy 10 years of blogging :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you dear, I'm sure we could all recreate this look in 10 more years!

  2. I love this classic outfit! Happy 10 years!

  3. Its' amazing to see that you look exacty the same with the only exception of bangs! And that trench coat is an evergreen!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  4. That trench coat is a staple! Love this classic look!


  5. This is really cool how you recreated this outfit.
    Theses pieces are such amazing basic.
    And your sequins coat is beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I really love the sequins coat :)

  6. Such a beautiful look! I absolutely love the way you have updated it!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  7. Congrats babe! I love your French mood, great outfit!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Thanks, yeah navy stripes always add a french vibe :)

  8. Me encanta, soy muy fan de esta "sección".
    Y estás taaaan guapa!!!! Besos rojos por doquier!

    1. Muchas gracias Inma, ya estoy tramando la siguiente entrega ;)

  9. ¡Cómo has cambiado! Me gusta ver tu evolución pero a la vez me gusta ver que los looks clásicos nunca pasan de moda.

    1. Gracias! Es lo bonito de los años, evolucionar pero seguir pudiendo confiar en los clásicos!

  10. Happy blog-anniversary!
    Lovely outfit, very chic! Love your shoes!

  11. Hello
    Congratulations!! I bet it was 10 years of many joys and many shares! I would say you are more chic!


    1. Thanks a lot, definitely it has been 10 years of a lot of fun!

  12. Congratulations! What a milestone and I love this class look to celebrate! I had no idea you had a clothing line - checking it out now!

    District of Chic

    1. Thanks dear! Yeah, it has turned into mainly accessories lately but I still enjoy designing a lot!

  13. Happy 10 years! This outfit is just as chic today as it was in 2013!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. Thank you! I'm really fond of classic pieces :)

  14. Me encantas como ibas y vas, una suerte seguir con esos diez años repletos de euforia... Y a por otros diez más, muack

  15. Congratulations on hitting this milestone 10 years wow! And so awesome you are keeping up with your business. And LOVED seeing the throwback and how you recreated it in 2021.

    Allie of

    1. Thanks a lot, it's been a busy and fun time! Hope it stays that way for many more!

  16. Amazing! Congrats!
    Omg I'm totally picturing that coat covered in sequins.

  17. Wow! Congratulations :)
    and great classic look :)

  18. Absolutely wonderful!!!

  19. Congratulations! Love this timeless outfit! You look chic!

  20. It's so cool looking back and see how your style changed or which became your statement pieces :)
    And you can never go wrong with the elegance, no matter the era!


  21. Wow, it's already a decade! Congratulations!
    Beautiful outfit as always <3

    Have a great day!


  22. Congratulations on 10th Anniversary of Blog. I like this idea of recreating outfits and this one is perfect. I like every detail.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2021/04/dior-diorskin-mineral-nude-bronze-003.html

  23. Happy Easter break!


  24. Such Gorgeous Colors With The Perfect Back Drop - So Love Those Shoes - Congrats On The Milestone - Enjoy Your Weekend



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