Buenos dĆas! Los dĆas de entretiempo nos permiten experimentar mucho mĆ”s sobreponiendo capas a la hora de vestirnos, y si hay una prenda que transforma completamente cualquier look es una americana. Yo suelo utilizar chaquetas diariamente para ir a trabajar, pero me gusta darles un toque diferente para utilizarlas fuera de la oficina. La verdad es que el gris siempre ha sido uno de mis colores favoritos para esta prenda, pero llevaba tiempo buscando una alternativa en camel, que me parece muy otoƱal. AdemĆ”s hay dĆas en que echo en falta el abrigo vintage camel de mi madre, que se quedĆ³ en Madrid, asĆ que buscaba una americana que me hiciese las veces de chaqueta formal y de abrigo ligero.
Good morning! Transitional weather is the perfect time to experiment with layers, and the best item to wear this kind of outfits is the classic blazer, which can transform any look. I usually wear blazers to work daily, but I also love styling them in different ways to wear them out of the office. I have always loved grey blazers, but I had been searching for a camel one for a while, which is a very autumnal color. I really miss my mom's vintage camel coat, which I left in Madrid, so I was looking for a blazer I could wear both as a formal jacket and as a light coat.
During this search I found 2 vintage camel blazers. The second one is an Yves Saint Laurent which I think I'm going to reserve for next Spring, and the first one is the Valentino blazer I'm showing you today. I've been wearing it non-stop for a couple of months, so it's definitely my 35 best invested dollars of the season! You can get your perfect blazer HERE!
AquĆ tenĆ©is mi video de la semana con 5 estilos diferentes de otoƱo con mi chaqueta camel:
And here is a new video sharing 5 ways to style a camel blazer in Fall:
QuĆ© os parece? CuĆ”l es vuestro favorito? TenĆ©is alguna americana camel? CĆ³mo la combinĆ”is?
What do you think? Do you own a camel blazer? How do you style yours?