10 Outfits to Stay Home

By Sugar Lane - Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Buenos días! Cómo lleváis el confinamiento? Nosotros llevamos 12 días de cuarentena voluntaria y ayer por fin dieron la orden de quedarse en casa en DC, así que de cuarentena oficial llevamos un día. Esto va para rato, así que vamos a ponernos cómodas! Os he dejado un nuevo vídeo combinando prendas cómodas en 10 looks diferentes para estar en casa sin que parezca que estamos enfermas. Mucho ánimo!

Good morning! How's the quarantine going? Wee have been home for 12 days already, but DC ordered to stay home yesterday, so we've been officially in quarantine for just a day. This is gonna be long, so get comfy! Today I'm sharing a video mixing and matching comfy clothes in 10 different outfits to stay home without looking sick. Stay safe!

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7 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Love these looks! They are excellent suggestions. I hope you are doing well so far this week!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  2. wonderful inspiration, we all need to stop wearing our pijamas and feel pretty again,

  3. i love the red one! i want to try with my new fashion style wig luxhairshop
    good post

  4. So inspiring!
    Good luck on your wedding preps darling!!!
    Kisses, Paola.



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