Camp: Notes on Fashion, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
By Sugar Lane - Monday, August 19, 2019
Buenos dĆas! Uno de los motivos de mi Ćŗltimo viaje a Nueva York fue visitar la exposiciĆ³n de moda del Met, que este aƱo estĆ” dedicada al concepto del "Camp". Una estĆ©tica exagerada, ostentosa, con sentido del humor y sexual. A lo largo de la historia a vivido diferentes etapas, y como una imagen vale mĆ”s que mil palabras a continuaciĆ³n os resumo en imĆ”genes esta exposiciĆ³n, que probablemente no sea la mĆ”s bonita que os he enseƱado ni tenga muchos vestidos de ensueƱo, pero abre la mente y reflexiona sobre cada pieza!
Good morning! One of the highlights of my latest trip to New York was visiting the fashion exhibition at the Met, which this year focuses on Camp: an aesthetic related to the exaggeration, with a sense of humor and a lot of sexuality. The concept has evolved during the years, and, since an image is worth a thousand words, I'm showing you this exhibition in a few images, which might be not the prettiest dresses ever, but they surely open your mind and make you think a lot!