
Edinburgh III: Royal Botanic Gardens, UK

By Sugar Lane - Wednesday, February 24, 2016

WHERE: Edinburgh, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM
WHEN: November 2015, 2 days
WITH: Family (+2)
HOW: Flight from Madrid (3 hours)
WEATHER: Super cold, really windy and rainy
WEARING: Winter casual

Siempre me ha gustado visitar parques y jardines botánicos, y el de Edimburgo fue todo un descubrimiento. Cuidadísimo y con una gran variedad de especies es el lugar perfecto para perderse y esperar que salga el sol. Con lo que llueve por allí está todo verde y frondoso, yo os recomiendo visitar los invernaderos de bulbos y orquídeas y las rocallas. Por los alrededores del botánico se pueden observar pequeñas mansiones con coquetos jardines, es una preciosa zona residencial.

I've always loved visiting parks and gardens, and the one in Edinburgh is worth a visit. They take good care of it, and it's super green thanks to the rainy weather. With so many different species is a lovely place to wander and wait for the sun to come (not happening, really). Anyway, go to the glass houses and enjoy the bulbs, orquids and rocaille gardens. If you walk the residential area around the Botanic garden you'l find lovely houses with charming gardens.

LO MEJOR/THE BEST: La tranquilidad y las especies tan curiosas / The peace and the curious trees and plants 

LO PEOR/THE WORST: Solo tiene una entrada y es difícil de encontrar, tuvimos que rodearlo casi entero para poder entrar / It has just one entry gate and it's difficult to find, we walked around for a while until we entered it.

Conocéis el Jardín Botánico de Edimburgo? Os gustaría ir? Comentad abajo!

Have you ever been to Edinburgh Botanic Garden? Would you like to visit? Comments below!

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4 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. such a nice place and I love your stole
    Keep In Touch

  2. This looks wonderful...love Edinburgh :) x

  3. I would love to visit Edinburgh! One of my cousins used to live there but I never managed to go to visit :(
    The botanic gardens look beautiful! I actually really like to visit botanic gardens and its always on my to-go list when I travel :)
    Thanks a lot for your last comment : )

  4. tú sí que te lo pasas bien!!!!
    estás guapísima! besos rojos por doquier!


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