
Hervás, SPAIN

By Sugar Lane - Sunday, May 10, 2015

WHERE: Hervás, Cáceres, Extremadura, SPAIN
WHEN: April 2014
WITH: Family (+2)
HOW: Car from Madrid
STYLE: Girly

Hervás es una pequeña villa en Cáceres, conocida por su judería y la peculiar arquitectura de sus calles. Es un sitio agradable para visitar si estás por la zona, aunque yo me esperaba algo más. 

Hervás is a small village in Cáceres, known for its Jewish quarter and the original architecture of the streets. It's a nice place to visit if you are around, although I was expecting a little more.

LO MEJOR/THE BEST: Las callejuelas de la judería y el paseo junto al río / The narrow streets at the Jewish quarter and the walk along the river

LO PEOR/THE WORST: La escasa oferta gastronómica / Very few restaurants

Conocéis Hervás? Os gustaría ir? Comentad abajo!

Have you ever been to Hervás? Would you like to visit? Comments below!

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