A Stylish Little Lady GIVEAWAY!

By Sugar Lane - Friday, November 07, 2014

Chandra fue una de mis primeras clientas, y es la blogger de A Stylish Little Lady, donde publica sobre moda, decoración, inspiración y artistas con talento que crean piezas a mano. Así que cuando me pidió que fuese parte de su SORTEO #handmadeholiday estuve mas que encantada de participar!

Chandra was one of my first clients, and she is also the blogger behind A Stylish Little Lady, where she writes about fashion, decoration, inspiration and shows the handmade work of talented artists. So, when she asked me to be a part of her #handmadeholiday GIVEAWAY I was more than happy to say yes!

Un solo ganador se llevará 200$ para gastar en 4 tiendas, ya conocéis Sugar Lane Design, pero hoy, en vez de un post DIY, quiero presentaros a estas maravillosas creadoras, no os olvidéis de pasaros por A Stylish Little Lady y participar en el sorteo!

A lucky winner will get 200$ store credit to spend in 4 shops, you already know Sugar Lane Design, but today, instead of a DIY post, I want to introduce you these other artists, don't forget to visit A Stylish Little Lady and join the giveaway!

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salem style crocheted accessories including scarves, boot cuffs, and beanies created by lianna in salem, massachusetts and  perfect for adding a touch of handmade style.
$50 store credit
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ashleigh hodges photo original fine art photography gifts including pillows, canvas bags, calendars, and prints created using ashleigh's beautiful photography.
$50 store credit
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alison storry jewelry handmade jewelry by alison created  for the everyday woman that is modern in design, full of detail, and captures your inner bohemian at heart.
$50 store credit

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