
Sagunto, SPAIN

By Sugar Lane - Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WHERE: Sagunto, Valencia, SPAIN
WHEN: May 2014, 1 day
WITH: Family (+4)
HOW: Car from Madrid

Sagunto es una pequeña ciudad cercana a Valencia y conocida por su castillo y teatro romano. Está bien para hacer una paradita si estás por la zona, la zona alta del castillo es enorme, aunque de dificil acceso, y el teatro romano ha sido reconstruido sobre lo que quedaba en ruinas, que era poco...

Sagunto is a small city near Valencia, know by its castle and roman theatre. It's a good option to stop by or for a one day trip if you are around. The fort area is huge, but the access is complicated, and the theatre was recently rebuilt, but you can still see part of the original structure...

LO MEJOR/THE BEST:la comida en los jardines/terraza de Espai Gaeta/ lunch at Espai Gaeta patios
LO PEOR/THE WORST: la restauración moderna del teatro / the modern rehabilitation of the thetre

Conocéis Sagunto? Os gustaría ir? Comentad abajo!

Have you ever been to Sagunto? Would you like to visit? Comments below!

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