
Black & White with a Green twist

By Sugar Lane - Friday, April 18, 2014

Habéis probado a poneros unos zapatos de un color atrevido con un look básico? Me encanta y la mezcla siempre funciona! Qué os parece?

Have you tried wearing colorful shoes with a basic outfit? I love it and the mix always works! How do you like it?

Sweater: Zara
Pantalones/Pants: H&M
Zapatos/Shoes: Zara
Bolso/Bag: Tommy Hilfiger
Gafas/Glasses: RayBan Wayfarer
Camiseta/Tee: Zara
Cazadora/Biker: Promod

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4 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Great outfit, love your shoes <3

    NEW POST :

  2. I also love the way a pop of color brightens up a neutral or monochrome outfit!! :)
    Loving your green pumps! <3


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