
Kargil to Leh

By Lady Blunt - Thursday, August 09, 2012

Tras una noche en Kargil, en el hotel mas ecléctico que he estado hasta la fecha, continuamos el viaje hasta Leh Ladakh, la zona budista del norte de la India donde los monjes viven en monasterios perdidos en las montañas y los banderines de colores decoran el cielo.
After a night in Kargil, at the most eclectic hotel ever, we continue the tripto Leh Ladakh, the budist part of North India, where the monks live in far away mountains monasteries and thousands of colorful flags decorate the skies.

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16 Déjame tu opinión 😉 Leave your opinion

  1. Haces que me transporte a esa ciudad.


  2. These views are breath-takingly beautiful! I am so envious you get to visit!

  3. The photos are awesome! Amazing experience!


  4. Hermosas Fotos,suerte en tus viajes!

  5. Great pics.. Isnt India amazing!!! Do check my blog and I'd love it if we follow each other if you like?

    Love, Nyt
    Metajojuana under a Starry Nyt

  6. wow, i'm really thinking about bookmarking your blog posts about your trip so i can do a similar one when im in india next!


    1. let me know if you need some advice, I can give you the details of my travel agent, great organization!

  7. These are amazing photos! I really do hope to visit India someday, a friend of mine did the Golden Triangle tour last year and enjoyed it.

  8. such a beautiful place... love the shoots!

  9. wow interesting,, reminds me of Nepal

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  10. Qué fotos tan bonitas!
    Me encanta la blusita <3

  11. These photos are incredible! Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. unas fotos preciosas!!! me encanta La India, siempre he soñado con ir, espero cumplirlo pronto! Pásalo genial y disfruta de ese maravilloso viaje!

  13. Amazing place, just love that!! Great to explore :) x


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