Swan Lake, Madrid 2011

By Sugar Lane - Saturday, June 25, 2011

La mayoría conocéis la historia del lago de los cisnes… Un príncipe obligado por sus padres a elegir esposa, un amigo que lo lleva de caza para distraerlo, un lago lleno de cisnes condenados que por la noche vuelven a su forma humana, el príncipe que se enamora de la cisnesa blanca, el malvado que envía a su hija, la cisnesa negra, al baile y hace creer que es la cisnesa blanca hasta que el príncipe se compromete con ella, y el príncipe que al darse cuenta del error vuelve al lago a pedir perdón, pero como toda buena historia romántica acaba con la muerte de los enamorados.

Hoy los tiempos son algo distintos, las cisnesas han cambiado el tutú y las puntas por jeans y Converse, no hay malvados que hechicen a nadie, solo nuevas IT que se meten por medio en las relaciones, los príncipes ya no juran amor eterno, ahora cazan a sus amigos, y ellas no se quitan la vida por amor, lo superan a base de chocolate.

Most of you already know Swan Lake story… A prince forced by his mother to chose a wife, a friend who takes him hunting to distract him, a lake full of  swans under a spell and going back to human form at night, the prince falls in love with the white swan, the bad guy who sends his daughter, the black swan, to the ball and makes everyone believe she is the white one until the prince announces he’ll marriage her, and the prince that after realizing his mistake goes back to the lake to apology, but as in every good romantic history the lovers end up dead.

Nowadays the story is different, swans have changed tutus and pointe shoes for jeans and Converse, there is no evil sorcerer enchanting anyone, only new IT that get in the middle of relationships, princes don’t swear eternal love, now they hunt their boyfriends, and the girls don’t stop living for love, they get over it with lots of chocolates.

Can anybody find me somebody to love? 

She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories.... 

If I could be who you wanted...

Promises they break before they're made 

He talked like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were young 

Well, my friend fancies you, Oh! What a way to begin it all 

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor 

But if you're thinkin about my baby, It don't matter if you're black or white 

And it's all in my head, but she's touching his chest now, he takes of her dress now... 

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry, you don't know how lovely you are 

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need 

Can't you find some other guy? The end has no end... 

Produced by Sugar Lane
Photography by Andrea Anastasio
Editing and Costumes by Sugar Lane
Location: Cristal Palace, Madrid

Prince Siegfried – Gonzalo de Benito
Benno von Sommerstern (Prince’s friend) – Pablo López de Rivera
Benno’s Girlfriend – María Risueño Domínguez
Odette (White Swan) – Sugar Lane
Odile (Black Swan) – Reyes Arnal Risueño
Swan’s friend – Rocío La Funete

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